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Index of six x

each new transaction involving a stock included in the SMI causes the index to be recalculated.

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Calculation takes place in real time, i.e. On 30 June 1988, the SMI was standardized at 1'500 points. Because the SMI represents the Swiss equity market, it is used as an underlying index for many financial products such as options, futures, structured products and exchange traded funds. It is published as a price index and, under the designation SMIC (SMI dividend-adjusted), as a performance index. This makes the SMI fully compliant with the ESMA UCITS guidelines and it can be used as a reference index for the Swiss equity market in the European Union. The weights of the index components are capped so that no component exceeds a weight of 20%. This hypocrisy is addressed through the film.

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It is free-float-adjusted, which means that only the tradable portion of the shares is taken into account in the index. Women are supposed to be equal to men yet their sexuality is often ignored in Indian society. The SMI covers approximately 80% of the total capitalisation of the Swiss equity market. The blue chip index SMI® is the most important stock index in Switzerland and comprises the 20 largest stocks from the SPI. The index offering from SIX includes various equity, bond, real estate and strategy indices as well as customized indices.

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